Arrived in Zambia
Hey everyone!
It’s Laine, Hailey, Sarah, Morgan, and Ellen, a.k.a the Summer 2014 Arise Interns! We are so excited to finally be on the ground in Zambia and start getting accustomed to life here. We just wanted to update everyone on what we have been up to so far!
After flying for what felt like forever, we eventually arrived and managed to have all our luggage get here with us. We all feel comfortable and safe in our summer home, which fortunately came with its own security and built in alarm clock. Millie, otherwise known as Milldred, is our very over-enthusiastic guard dog who eats up every bit of attention she can get. In the early mornings our faithful alarm clock, who happens to be a rooster, can be heard crowing over the wall (and by morning we mean every hour of the day). Who knew roosters could be so loud!
Our past couple of days have been spent learning the ropes and getting accustomed to Zambian culture and the city of Lusaka. We are currently getting prepared for next week’s Bible camp so our time has been filled with errands and other preparation. We did get to go over to the Arise Home to meet all the kids and had a couple of competitive games of soccer and go go ball!
One of the errands we ran today involved buying fabric for Bible camp. We got to experiece our first Zambian market and loved getting to see their culture firsthand.
We already love the people and the experiences we are getting to have, and are so excited to see what God has in store for the rest of our time here!
If you would like to partner with us through prayer, here are our big prayer requests at this time.
1) God’s hand over Kids Bible camp and that He would open hearts and ears to His truth
2) That we as interns would be actively listening to God’s will and we would desire it over our own
3) That God will orchestrate our relationships with the people we meet and that our time would be spent well
In Him,
The Interns