
Help equip, educate and empower:

Malita Phiri

1 am 21 years old and entering Nursing School at Chreso University.

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Malita Phiri

Malita is 21 years old and a graduate of our Arise Christian School. Malita has four siblings and lives with her mother and father. Malita’s favorite meal is Nshima served with sausage and beans.

She joined Arise Christian school in 2012 in the third grade and stayed at ACS until she graduated from grade 12. Malita has always enjoyed her education at Arise Christian school and recognizes the privileges she has enjoyed there. During school days, Malita enjoyed learning English lessons because she thinks studying and understanding are easy.

After completing her education at ACS, Malita chose to do nursing. She has been accepted at Chreso University to study Nursing and will start school in July. In the future, Malita wants to further her education by doing her masters abroad.

Malita is been a committed Christian and she enjoys singing praise and worship music. Her favorite verse is Psalm 100:3 “acknowledge that the Lord is God. He made us, and we belong to him; we are his people and his flock.” This verse really strengthens Malita when she is faced with different obstacles.

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