
Join A Mission Trip

Arise Africa Mission Trips

Our mission trips are equal parts physical labor and personal ministry. Teams work to build playgrounds, maintain our facilities, and conduct Vacation Bible Schools. Regardless of the mission you choose, we can’t wait to work together with you in Zambia and introduce you to our amazing staff and children.

Excursion Trips

Many individuals and families make the most of their mission trip by adding excursion trips to their mission trip. If you’re going to pay to travel to Africa, you may as well maximize the trip!

We offer several options from going on a safari to seeing Victoria Falls, one of the Seven Natural Wonders of the World. (“Vic Falls” is only an hour plane ride away from where we serve in Lusaka!) Arise Africa works with highly accredited travel agents to provide trip options and plan everything for you. Once you sign up for a mission trip, we can let you know more details!

*Please note that the pricing for excursion trips assumes a double occupancy room. Single rooms can be booked at an additional cost. 

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